Santa Clause Nail Art Tutorial

Hi friends! Christmas is almost here! To help get you into the Christmas spirit, I’m teaching you how to create this Santa Clause design on your nails. They’re super cute. I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on them. Let’s get started!

Things you’ll need:

Nail polish colors in red, white, and black

Base coat and top coat

Nail dryer and Drip Dry drops. These are optional, but they sure speed things up. I can’t live without them.

Dotting tool. If you don’t have a dotting tool you can use a toothpick.

Here’s what I used: 100% Pure base and top coat. Nina Cherry Berry, Finger Paints Paper Mache and On Your Marker Get Set Go. OPI Drip Drops and Beauty Secrets Nail Dryer.

Note: I use the nail dryer between each layer of nail polish.

Step 1. Apply base coat and allow to dry.

Step 2. To make Santa’s hat-Apply red color to base of nail, stopping about a quarter to a third of the way down. Allow to dry. It doesn’t have to be a perfect line as the white dots we put on next will cover any imperfections.

Step 3. Using dotting tool, apply white dots along bottom line of red. You came make the dots super clean or run them all together to create a more lived in, fluffy hat look (This is what I did). Allow to dry. This completes the hat.

Step 4. To make the beard-Apply white on nail tips. Allow to dry.

Step 5. Using the dotting tool, apply two dots of black color between the beard and the hat for the eyes. Allow to dry.

Step 6. Apply top coat and allow to dry. If you have Drip Dry Drops, use them now.

Note: Although I opted out this time, you can put a nose on your Santa using the dotting tool as well. Using the red color, apply a single dot between the eyes and the beard.

All done! Super cute and not too hard to do on yourself. If you try it, let me know how it goes! Drop me a comment, if you have any questions. Merry Christmas everyone! Until next time, XOXO!

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