Making An Egyptian Sheath Dress: Part 1

Hello friends! I’m finally making my Egyptian sheath dress. I’ve wanted to make one for quite some time, but other things received my attention. This is the case for many projects I’d like to do. Such is life. 😉 I’ll be breaking this project up due to time management. Today I’ll share the first steps... Continue Reading →

A Brief History of Textiles in the Ancient Middle East

Hi friends! I had a comment on my previous post about fashion history that wanted more details about how fashion was effected by evolving society and geography. Your wish is my command. Fashion has evolved based on available resources, geographical location, and on how far societal groups had advanced (i.e. from hunter gatherer to cities,... Continue Reading →

The World of Renaissance Fairs

My hubby at the fair. Hi friends! Last weekend my hubby and I went to the North Carolina Renaissance fair. It's a well known fair on the east coast that actually has a permanent structure. For those of you who haven't ever been to a renaissance fair before, let me paint you a picture. The... Continue Reading →

A Month in the Life

Hello friends! There goes another month. 🙂 Hope it's been a good one for everyone. We had a big storm here that caused some bad flooding and a road/bridge to collapse. We were on tornado watch for a bit too. That was exciting in its own way. It's also snowed a few times! It was... Continue Reading →

When I Grow Up

Back stage for The Sound of Music rehearsal-2011 Hi Friends! I've been visiting my fellow bloggers again trying to get inspiration for what to write next, and I came across, "Five posts to Write Right Now." Prompt number 4 is what caught my attention: What you thought you were going to be when you grew... Continue Reading →

Where to Find Inspiration for Your Work

My husband and I on our wedding day Hello friends. Welcome back to my blog. I was looking at my fellow bloggers' posts and came across one that is about fashion. It's called Costume Design by blogger: Fashion-Creative Thinking. As you can guess by her blogger name, her blog covers fashion, usually high fashion rather... Continue Reading →

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