Play Analysis: Scenes

Hi friends! Happy February! I've officially started work on my new show, “Out of Order.” We had our first production meeting on Monday. Our director said that we’ll be using French scenes for our breakdown which inspired today’s post. For those who don’t know, there are multiple ways to determine scenes. Each type can be... Continue Reading →

Play Analysis: Conflict

Photo by Liza Summer on Hi friends! Here is the next level of play analysis and what the entire play revolves around: conflict. I was asked to come up with ideas for theater camp t-shirts once, and here was my idea, which they ended up using I might add. "Life would be boring without... Continue Reading →

Play Analysis: Character

Hi friends! Today we are continuing with our play analysis series. Last time we talked about theatrical contracts. Today we'll be diving into the characters that drive the plot along. By analyzing the characters -- their relationships, their thoughts and feelings about each other, their actions, their motivations that create conflict, etc. you can understand... Continue Reading →

Play Spotlight: Dogville

Photo by paul voie on Hi friends! Hope all is well with you! I've been wanting to do a series where I highlight plays that I've found impactful or just really love. Now's as good a time as any to start. A while back, I talked about theater being a way to teach audiences... Continue Reading →

Play Analysis: Theatrical Contract

Photo by Pixabay on Hi friends! Let's continue learning about play analysis. Today is part two of level two: theatrical contract. A theatrical contract is an informal understanding or agreement between the production and the audience. The contract is the establishment of the rules that the production will follow. These rules are established by... Continue Reading →

Play Analysis: Given Circumstances

Photo by cottonbro on Hello friends! Today we'll be talking about level two in play analysis. If you missed level one, here's the link-Play Analysis: The First Reading. Level two is diving deep into the "given circumstances." This term was coined by Constantin Stanislavsky and refers to information (stage directions and dialogue) that provides... Continue Reading →

Play Analysis: The First Reading

Photo by cottonbro on Hello friends! Today is for my fellow directors, though I've used the concept in my design work and in my scholarly work as well. Play analysis is an important step to bringing a show to life. There are many levels to play analysis, so I thought I'd break them up... Continue Reading →

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