3 Tips for a Happy and Successful Life

Hi friends! In any line of work or phase of life, we go through tough times. Times where we question our choices and where we aren’t happy. The entertainment industry is well known for its unhappy artists–artists who’s personal lives are falling apart even as their career might be sky-rocketing. On the flip side, we... Continue Reading →

How to Get Started in the Acting Profession Without an Agent

Hi friends! The entertainment industry is well known for being harsh and unforgiving. It's hard to establish yourself when you're new which is why networking is so important. When you're just starting out, you may not have the connections or experience to land yourself an Agent to help get you work. It can all be... Continue Reading →

All About Headshots

Hi friends! If you’re an actor, chances are you’ve had headshots done. If you haven’t done them yet, and you’re serious about acting, then get to it! By the end of this post, you’ll understand why headshots are needed and be prepared for yours to be done. It’s been about 5 years since I last... Continue Reading →

Acting Methods 101

Hi friends! Those who follow me know I’m taking acting classes at a local studio. My acting teacher is a method actor. It’s interesting to hear his perspective as I’ve never had a teacher follow this method before. I got my degree in Theater Arts Studies: Directing, Costume, and Hair and Makeup Design. As part... Continue Reading →

Theater Games Part 2

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Hi friends! I'm back with more theater games! When I was writing Theater Games Part 1, I realized I had way too many games and needed to break the post into two segments. So here's part two. Part 1 has more physical and less complicated games. Part 2 will focus... Continue Reading →

Designing a Show: Impressions Page

Hi friends! There are many steps to designing a show. One of those steps is to write an impressions page. What is an impressions page? This will become clear in a second. Once you've completed the first read through of the script, which should be just you reading it in the spirit of enjoyment, write... Continue Reading →

Costume Design: Renderings

“Finding Neverland” by Ashley Magoffin. Marker and pencil medium. Hi friends! Happy new year! I hope you all had a great Christmas. My vacation was wonderful—full of family and good food. I wish it could have been longer, but such is the life of an adult. We don’t always get what we want. I’m grateful... Continue Reading →

Audition Songs for Sopranos: Ballads

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Hi friends! I was looking through my past posts trying to figure out which category I haven’t covered in a while, and I realized it’s been ages since I did audition songs. Past posts I’ve written cover audition songs for altos—ballads and character/comedic. Today’s post is all about sopranos. Like... Continue Reading →

Prosthetics Pros and Cons

Example of prosthetics used in The Wizard of Oz. The three friends are all wearing facial pieces. Hi friends! Sorry for my hiatus. As you know, I've been in the middle of a road trip/move, so I've been focusing on other things. It's been a really good trip. I've been able to visit lots of... Continue Reading →

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